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Beltring War & Peace
When it comes to figure modelling, nothing beats great references. So here’s a photo set from the Beltring military show for inspiration.

The photos were kindly submitted by David Field who has snapped them at the War & Peace show over the years. David’s a professional photographer & he catalogued some of the reenactors at the annual event. This first batch should help you model German infantry.

Getting details like uniforms, equipment, weapons, colours & faces right can be a real challenge for model makers. So to help get your figures looking their best, use these shots as handy references. You should find them helpful in getting your soldiers, whether Wehrmacht or Waffen SS, looking the part.

Enjoy!...& many thanks David.

Beltring War & Peace - Germans
Beltring War & Peace - Germans
Beltring War & Peace - Germans
Beltring War & Peace - Germans
Beltring War & Peace - Germans
Beltring War & Peace - Germans
Beltring War & Peace - Germans
Beltring War & Peace - Germans
Beltring War & Peace - Germans
Beltring War & Peace - Germans
Beltring War & Peace - Germans
Beltring War & Peace - Germans
Beltring War & Peace - Germans
Beltring War & Peace - Germans
Beltring War & Peace - Germans
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