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Mr. Who? Mr. Surfacer is who! Modellers who haven’t yet made his acquaintance better form a queue.
Format: Streaming Media
Duration: 5 minutes
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When it comes to giving your scale model a realistic surface texture, you can do a lot worse than giving it a coat of Mr. Surfacer. Manufactured by Gunze (GSL) of Japan, this legendary product comes in three guises: a thick grade called 500, a medium called 1000 & a fine grade called 1200. They are basically liquified grey putties of varying thicknesses.

It’s one of those evergreen essentials that any modeller should have in his arsenal. Mr. Surfacer is what’s called a surface primer & has a multitude of uses. By far the commonest is to recreate the particular texture of metal, especially cast metal. By carefully combining different grades you can achieve different cast metal effects on your plastic model. The possibilities increase still further when you dilute Mr. Surfacer with acetone.

Still not convinced? Then let this concise “How To” guide tell you more about using Mr. Surfacer on your kits, as well as some alternative techniques. All packaged in a handy tutorial video.

A word of warning though: Scale War Machines is based in good old Blighty (a.k.a England!) & it can be hard to get your hands on this stuff. Once you do though, make sure you wear gloves & a mask when you apply it to your model because Mr. Surfacer is one stinky fellow with a toxic aroma!

Good job we can’t offer Aromavision - not yet anyway!

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