The recipe for Vallejo is to create packs that contain 6 shades that are either under the “AFV Painting System” or the “AFV Weathering System” label.
Reference #78.412 is their US Vietnam Olive Drab set. It contains 6 Model Air shades. It is part of their AFV Painting System & is a specific set with colours designed to be applied in a designated way. A step-by-step on the reverse tells you how to apply them & in which order.
It’s worth noting that the bottles are the smaller 8ml variety & the packaging comes with a palette for mixing.
The final effect looks a little light for Vietnam & seems better suited to World War 2. That said, the primer looks about right & the penultimate shadow shade also looks better so maybe if you prioritise those & deviate to create your own version of the system, it will work better.
One thing’s for sure, Vallejo acrylic paints are excellent quality & the Model Air paints spray very well.
Why not watch the unboxing video & see for yourself?