Scale War Machines is the brainchild of Martin Hughes (aka QuarterMaster), a model making fan who combines a passion for plastic kits with a love of filmmaking & military history.
The team behind Scale War Machines is constantly growing & we dedicate as much time & effort as possible to keeping the website going for your pleasure.
It includes:
Ed - Our editor dude
Chris & Corey - Our 2D & motion graphics dudes
Oli - Our post-production consultant supremo dude
JB - Quite simply the world's best archive dude
Damo - Our voice dude
Marila - Who's not a dude but keeps the QuarterMaster going
AV - Our eagle-eyed editorial assistant many more behind the scenes who encourage Scale War Machines & help it to grow - especially our contributors including:
Doug Frame
David McNaught
Philippe Pattaro
Jerome Trombetta
But, we can always use more helpers! You can join in by submitting content & getting involved in whatever way you want. If you are a modeller - submit your builds, write us an article or submit a review.
The best way to support us is to get involved...if you buy some of our premium content, even better!
And don't forget, if you are a model company you too can be a part of Scale War Machines, why not send us a sample of your products for review. If you are an advertiser, get in touch. And if you need professionally-made video content for your own company, website or event or to promote your products contact us.